
choices peaceful massage


I am responsible for choosing what influences my life. I must choose my battles wisely and my heroes with care. I am allowed to say no to authority figures when they are wrong. I can also walk away. I can stand up for what I believe. I have good ethics, morals and honesty that guide me in the right direction.

I will surround myself with positive people. I will take part in events that are enlightening. I will take time to learn. I will give these aspects of my life all the power they need to drive me to success and well being. Happiness is a choice. I choose happiness today.

massage Wilton Manors

create my world

massage in Wilton Manors

Today is a new day, a day to fill with good things. Today I will do things that I make me happy. I will do things for myself, my family and for others. Each task I complete is worthy of celebration. All accomplishments matter. I will keep a collection of possibilities. At the end of the day, I reflect on my success. I will learn what nurtures me.

I will ask the Universe for guidance. I will allow the Universe to guide me. The Universe will help me avoid obstacles and stay on track.

It is up to me to fill the day with good things. I create my world.